Saturday, May 20, 2006

#27: May 20, 2006

Look, all I want from you's a little praise--
A job-well-done, good-work pat on the back.
It's not like I don't cut you any slack,
And I'm not asking for some kind of raise.

Tell me I don't deserve it. Go on, try.
You can't; you look around, see what I've done--
The garden, animals, even the sun
And every Me-damned cloud up in the sky.

What's that? The Evil? Baby, that's all you.
I will not take that heat. You had your shot.
I mean sure, I knew you would--you couldn't not,
The way you're made; still, you do what you do.

But enough of that. Get praisin', kids, or else
I'll spend the next six days refining Hells.


Scott said...

They can't all be gems.

Blaux said...

it's ok.. twenty and twenty one make up for it. Great project keep it up!

middleclasstool said...

I actually kind of like this one.

Unknown said...

What's wrong with this one? Very clever, I thought. I like the way the revelation of the identity of the speaker is delayed (delayed revelation is a nice trick you use often). I like the humor in God's threats. I like the humor in the idea that all God wants is a little acknowledgement. Love the rhyme of the concluding couple.