Monday, June 19, 2006

#57: June 19, 2006

"Well, there she is: Mildred, my second wife.
You can see what I meant about her hair--
wheat-colored, yes? Just as it was in life.
I find it a comfort, having her there.

"When she died, I didn't know how to go on--
so young, so beautiful--look at that face!
A flower, cut before the bloom had gone...
In fact, that's what suggested it: the 'vase.'

"The dress? It's silk, I think. Faded a bit,
but then that's unavoidable. We've tried
other fabrics, but nothing weathers it.
It's hard on evening wear, formaldehyde.

"Still, the effect is worth it, don't you think?
Ah, Mildred dear...enough. Another drink?"

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