Wednesday, June 21, 2006

#59: June 21, 2006

Memo to all employees: as you know,
this morning someone called in a bomb threat.
Obviously the building didn't blow,
and no, we haven't caught the prankster yet.

Also, in the push to evacuate
(and despite warning signs), some workers rushed
into the elevator, and the weight
has jammed it. Luckily, no one was crushed.

Finally, regarding claims for Workman's Comp,
for poison ivy cream and other goods:
Procedure is to go outside--not tromp
like Daniel Boone through the abutting woods.

Now, we don't need anyone to remind us
there's work to do; let's put this mess behind us.


Scott said...

Based on a true story--happened today where I work. As a matter of principle I'm not putting titles on these right now, but later I may. I'm thinking this one might benefit from a title like "Memo Found on a Charred Bit of Paper 3 Blocks from the remains of the New Deal Insurance Company Site."

Serena said...

Yikes! Frightful scenario, but great proposed title.

Sorry I haven't been around in a while. The girl has sorcery to perform, you know. LOL. Hey, I LOVE #58. Totally rocks.