Sunday, June 25, 2006

#63: June 25, 2006

O glory be to God for poisoned things:
For king snakes carrying slaughter in their bite,
For spitting cobras, murderers of sight,
And scorpions with their elegant stings;

Praise the Creator of the brown recluse,
Whose potent fangs can stop a baby's breath;
The black widow, whose hourglass counts down death
In drops of blood--each creature has its use.

The man o' war, whose tentacles sting, maim,
And ruin nerves; urchins, anemones,
The many-venomed killers of the seas,
And insects far too numerous to name;

Praise this Designer of mortality;
Remember that same cruel Maker made thee.


yasser said...

good luck with the "project"; so far it looks good so i presume already you have proven your professor' s point

Serena said...

What an elegant perspective on poisonous things. Kudos.